Hair Implant , Hair Transplant , Offer

Hair Implant , Hair Transplant , Offer

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Hair Transplant for Women

Hair  Transplant  for  Women

Can a woman with severe hair loss get hair transplants?  How long can the hair be?  THANK YOU


Yes, women are candidates for hair transplant surgery. The woman must be in good general Health  and all the medical reasons for hair loss must be eliminated.
It  is  depending on the cause of hair loss.  If it is due to a thyroid problem, lupus, etc. the answer is no.  But if it's a result from inherited hair loss the results can be excellent.  The key thing is, if there is reasonable density in the back/sides of the scalp  (donor area) then a transplant can be quite effective

Women usually have thining through the coronal (mid portion) of the scalp leaving the hair line unaffected. women who experience diffuse hair loss over the entire scalp are not candidates.
Most surgeons prefer to start with medical treatment which can include steroid injections to the scalp for alopecia areata or the use if minoxidil type preparations prior to employing surgery.
Success depends on many factors:

 Is the woman realistic about what can be done?  Will she accept targeting certain areas like the central forelock, hairline and part and not the whole area?
2.  How extensive the baldness is of course a big thing.  If there is a lot of thinning but it is concentrated in for example what is called the Christmas tree pattern, then things may be able to be done.  This is the demand part o f the equation:  how much actual baldness needs to be covered.

3.  The supply side of things refers to how much donor hair is usable.  Many women lose hair also in the temples so that the donor harvest must be confined only to the occiput centrally.  In addition, the degree of density in any given area is critical.  High density covers a lot of sin.  Poor density is a difficult thing to deal with.  The hair caliber comes in as a close second if not on par with donor density and sometimes even more important.  If the hair caliber is wispy thin then that is a problem.  Less important is if the hair is curly or straight.  The curlier the better.  The straighter the less able to cover the area.  For example, African American hair really covers a great degree of distance especially if it is left unrelaxed.  The hair color to scalp color difference is important.  Dark hair on dark skin or light hair on light skin is more ideal than dark hair on light skin or light hair on dark skin.

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